Wednesday, November 14, 2018



Hello, my name is Fernando Sosa.

I was born in Venezuela and moved to the States in 2003, where I’ve lived in Weston since. I’m currently a high-school senior at Cypress Bay High School, soon to graduate and study computer science. I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time, along with playing video games.

Welcome to the first of many posts here on my blog. Generally, I’ll be using it as an outlet to document my creative process as I attempt to create a film opening for my AICE Media Studies class. Each step, every bit of research, each quandary and advancement I stumble upon will find a home within this site.

I have very little clue as to what exactly my project will turn out to be. I feel like I’m emotionally mature and creative enough to make the introduction to some deep, intense story of self-discovery, but I also feel like I might flop. I may just choose what I find to be the most simple: a hearty teen-comedy. I doubt that, though. Maybe I’ll play to my strongest suit and make something real sad. Maybe a happy medium?

As I discover my interests and hone down the genre for me, this blog will serve as a sort of permanent whiteboard. My thoughts will bounce between my keyboard and my brain, documented in this blog. It will allow me to think out loud, entirely silently.

Thanks for reading.


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